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Data & Insights

3 Consumer Expectations Your Health and Wellness Business Can’t Ignore

And how imaware can help you excel.

Mairi Sutherland

Medically reviewed by


Key takeaways
  • Modern consumers expect efficient and convenient personal health services from both their healthcare providers and wellness companies.
  • Health and wellness providers must maintain high engagement levels, even as we shift towards more remote interactions.
  • Preventive health strategies are not the only thing gaining popularity — there is a growing demand for biometric data-based health solutions.

In recent years, consumer behavior has been shaped by two main factors: the COVID-19 pandemic and major leaps in technological advancements. For example, at-home COVID-19 screening kits quickly made their way into most households across the country, causing at-home testing to become more widely accepted and explored. People now expect the same accessibility and convenience moving forward with other home health assessments, such as kits for monitoring cortisol levels, flu symptoms or micronutrient deficiencies.1

This normalization of at-home testing reflects a much larger shift in the healthcare industry: an interest in increased awareness, involvement and subsequent proactivity from patients regarding their health. As a result, more companies are entering the broader health and wellness market, introducing new ways for consumers to achieve the greater health autonomy they crave, from virtual services and corporate wellness plans to remote patient monitoring and biohacker gadgets. Digital health providers who want to stand out among the fierce competition must learn to adapt to the latest consumer demands.

Here are three consumer expectations your health and wellness brand can’t afford to ignore in 2024:

1. Convenience

Smartwatches, nutrition apps and other remote analysis technology have normalized easy and efficient access to personalized health data. This new level of accessibility has increased patient health awareness, which has, in turn, inspired consumers to take a more active role in their care. 

But, whether their focus is primary care, chronic condition management, preventative strategies or performance optimization, convenience remains key. From online prescription refills and virtual chats with practitioners to self-scheduling tools and at-home sample collection, people want the flexibility to choose the channel that best serves them.

2. Engaging experiences

Even as everything is becoming more digital, with fewer hands-on interactions, consumers still want the same level of consistency, relevancy and, ultimately, engagement from health and wellness providers as before. 

Fortunately, there are many ways remote technology actually makes it easier to implement frequent touchpoints as it broadens care delivery options. For example, the convenience of virtual visits, online chats, and other remote health services means providers can maintain more constant contact with patients. Remote care services like at-home testing also help ensure patient data is regularly updated and readily accessible to the user and their healthcare provider. 

3. Proactivity and personalization

In addition to convenient and engaging care, patients are also growing to understand the value of proactive, personalized care and its impact on their long-term health. According to McKinsey & Company, nearly one in five American consumers prefer personalized products and services, with a similar number specifically interested in biometric data-based recommendations.2 In a survey from EY, 66% of American respondents indicated they would do genetic testing for predispositions to diseases or disorders, 64% would take personalized medications and 61% would share wearables and app data with their healthcare provider.3

Consumers want a more holistic care experience from their digital health providers that shows a deeper understanding of who they are.

The imaware solution

Patients are demanding more each year; can you keep up?

Meeting ever-evolving consumer demands does not happen overnight, but with imaware’s plug-and-play white-label solution, it does not have to be complicated. Businesses can create custom health testing panels tailored to specific consumer needs, with a sophisticated infrastructure designed to provide actionable health data. Discover how at-home testing can transform personalized nutrition with our Elo Health Case Study.

With our at-home tests, businesses can offer customers a convenient, user-friendly experience, supporting better care, satisfaction and outcomes. Our physician-reviewed results can help engage patients and provide a more holistic, personalized experience. Learn how imaware can enhance your offerings here.


There is a growing emphasis on convenient, engaging, proactive and personalized healthcare, and digital health providers must swiftly adapt to consumer demands. As the market continues to evolve, embracing innovative solutions like imaware can help you effectively navigate — better yet, anticipate — these expectations by offering tailored healthcare solutions that cater to the needs of modern consumers.

Updated on
August 15, 2024
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  1. McKinsey & Company. The trends defining the $1.8 trillion global wellness market in 2024. Accessed February 15, 2024.
  2. McKinsey & Company. The trends defining the $1.8 trillion global wellness market in 2024. Accessed February 15, 2024.
  3. EY. EY Global Consumer Health Survey 2023. Accessed March 1, 2024.

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