
Personalized solutions for the entire healthcare ecosystem

imaware's comprehensive biomarker product menu and diagnostic platform make an immediate and immeasurable impact on companies and their consumers. We provide the medical and technological horsepower needed to meet the unique needs of every partner, clinician and patient with easy-access testing and intuitive dashboards to guide their health journeys forward.

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Health & Wellness Companies

Watch your revenue increase by linking your products to customers' health improvements, proving your product's value with biomarker panels tailored to your offerings and verified data from our platform. Guide consumers towards positive outcomes as you tap into recurring revenue opportunities to increase the lifetime value of your customers.

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Streamline participant recruitment and retention by reducing clinic visits, enabling pharmaceutical companies to attract diverse participants from remote or underserved areas. Enhance trial outcomes with a broader, more representative population and offer flexible healthcare options like telehealth and at-home testing kits to meet patients where they are.

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Bolster recruitment, retention and performance with platform-enabled benefits packages and tailored corporate wellness programs that lead employees to become their healthiest selves. Use our comprehensive biomarker capabilities and advanced diagnostic platform to deliver actionable health-related insights and consultation to employees while curbing health-related absenteeism and reducing costs.

Health Systems

Extend care beyond the clinical setting with imaware’s white-label health testing solutions. Our advanced diagnostic platform enables providers to deliver remote personalized care while unlocking operational and cost efficiencies, empowering patient engagement, and strengthening health outcomes.

Healthcare Payors

Offer members a personalized diagnostic platform that helps them understand their current state of health and monitor their journey towards healthy living. Our comprehensive biomarker capabilities and user-friendly platform deliver valuable health data, assess risks and uncover savings for your members and company.