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Sexual Health

STI/STD Q&A with Dr. Chet Robson

Answers to your STI FAQs.

Dr. Chet Robson

Medically reviewed by


Key takeaways

1. Why is it essential that we talk about STIs?

STIs have become increasingly important to discuss as cases continue to rise in the United States. Annual cases of gonorrhea and syphilis, for example, have increased year-over-year since 2017. To combat these numbers, we must spread awareness and encourage more people to get regularly tested for their safety and any partners they may have.

2. When people are tested, what are they typically screened for?

Some of the STIs people are frequently advised to screen for include gonorrhea, syphilis, chlamydia, herpes and HIV. Many STIs have similar or no symptoms, so it is common to test for various STIs at once.  

3. Who should be tested?

STI testing is not just for individuals in their 20s or people of a particular gender or sexuality. Though certain groups may be at higher risk, anyone with new or multiple sexual partners should consider testing at least once every year. In addition, many STIs can be asymptomatic, so you may test positive and require treatment even without symptoms. For STD/STI testing recommendations from the CDC, check out this link.

4. What is the testing process like?

The method of testing can vary depending on the specific STI. Testing at a clinic, for example, may include a genital or anal swab, cheek or throat swab, blood test, urine test and a physical exam.

5. What happens if the results are positive for an STI?

Once a healthcare provider officially diagnoses you, most STIs are treatable with a prescribed antibiotic. STIs that are not curable with antibiotics, like herpes, can be managed with antiviral medication. 

imaware’s at-home STI test kit comes with a complimentary telehealth service that will support you through next steps by providing advice, treatment options and prescriptions as needed.

6. Does imaware have an STI test?

We are excited to announce that imaware has an at-home Complete STI Test.

If you are looking for health assessments in other areas, you may also be interested in the rest of our test kit menu. Consider combining one of our Men's and Women's Health & Wellness tests with the STI test for an easy at-home general health assessment.

7. What are the benefits of imaware’s STI test?

As with all our tests, the goal is to empower people to care for their health. Being able to take this test from the security of your own home will hopefully mitigate unfortunate feelings of unease or embarrassment often associated with STI testing. We hope that if people are more comfortable taking the test, it will increase the rate of STI testing.

8. What STIs does the kit screen for?

The ten biomarkers included are Chlamydia trachomatis (Chlamydia), Neisseria gonorrhoeae (Gonorrhea), Herpes Simplex Virus 1/2 (HSV 1/2), Treponema pallidum (Syphilis), Human Immunodeficiency Virus 1 (HIV-1), Human Immunodeficiency Virus 2 (HIV-2), Hepatitis B Virus (HBV), Hepatitis C Virus (HCV), Trichomonas vaginalis (Trichomoniasis) and Mycoplasma genitalium (Mgen). To learn more about these STIs, check out Your Guide to 10 Common Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs).

9. How is the testing process different from going to a clinic?

Our tests are delivered directly to your home. Inside the package is equipment for collecting a urine sample and a small blood sample, as well as instructions for mailing those samples to our lab for processing. All our test kits are analyzed in CLIA-approved and CAP-accredited laboratories to ensure we meet the gold standard for lab testing. Once the results are complete and physician-reviewed, they become available to the patient along with suggested next steps. Patients should receive an email with a link to their results within five business days of shipping their sample to the lab.

For more detailed instructions on the testing process, check out this link.

Updated on
July 29, 2024
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